Difference between terrorist and extremist

There is a tendency nowadays, especially among reporters, to use the two words synonymously — it is, however, wrong to do so. A ‘terrorist’, as the word suggests, is someone who uses ‘terror’ to achieve his goal. He not only talks the talk, but also walks the walk. He is someone who will not hesitate to use violence to get what he wants. Individuals can be labelled ‘terrorists’ and so can organisations.

The lone terrorist was shot dead by the police as she tried to detonate the bomb.

Like a terrorist, an ‘extremist’ believes in a cause very strongly, and he does not hesitate to share his thoughts on the matter. He uses his ability to communicate to try and bring about political and religious changes in society. Many of his ideas are seen by most people as being unreasonable and unacceptable. Unlike a terrorist, an extremist does not always resort to violence to achieve his goals. There are a few, however, who will not hesitate to use it, if the situation demands it.

Most people in his own party consider the newly elected MP to be an extremist.

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