Meaning of Blockbuster

“When you say that a movie bombed, it means, it flopped. It didn’t make any money.” In other words, it was a financial disaster. Or, It was a failure.”

The word ‘bomb’ can be used with other forms of entertainment as well. Here’s an example.
Rahul went into a depression when her play bombed.”
Satish’s latest novel bombed.”
What you call a movie that makes a lot of money?“In India, a movie that does really well at the box office is called a ‘super hit’.”
“Another term that is frequently used to refer to a film that is commercially successful is ‘blockbuster’.”
"Avtar and Top Gun turned out to be a blockbuster.”

What is it that the words ‘blockbuster’ and ‘bomb’ have in common?”
We all know what a ‘bomb’ is. It is something that explodes.
Blockbuster was coined by the Americans during World War II. They had just made a huge bomb which was capable of destroying a relatively large area — an entire block, to be precise. So, they decided to call the bomb ‘blockbuster’.”
"But what’s the connection between the bomb and a successful film?”
“A successful film is like a blockbuster because it wipes out or destroys all its competition.”

“Now they have coined a new word — Couchbuster.
Couchbusters are movies that are shown on regular streaming services like Amazon, Netflix, etc. Blockbusters that people can watch in the convenience of their home, sitting on their favourite couch.”

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