Why television called idiot box?
The box is not ‘idiot’ but the people watching it are idiot. Have you ever seen someone enjoying their favorite show? Their gaze is fixed on the television, and most of the time they are completely unaware of their surroundings. When you ask them questions, they either ask you to be silent or don't bother to respond. They are only active during the commercial break. Otherwise, they are motionless. They continue to stare the "box" as if it were a group of fools. The TV makes them act like one.

By the way, did you realize there is a connection between the words "idiot" and "idiom"? The words "idiom" and "idiot" are both derived from Greek. Why does an idiom seem odd? Considering that an idiom's meaning does not come from adding together the meanings of all its words.

For instance, we use the phrase " It's raining cats and dogs" while it is raining heavily.
That does not imply that dogs and cats are falling from the sky.

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