Meaning of Comprehensive, and Difference between Antique and Ancient
Meaning of Comprehensive:‘
Comprehensive’ means ‘thorough, including much’.
The report was comprehensive. It means that the report contained almost everything connected with the subject of the report.
Comprehensible’ means ‘that may be understood (by)’.
The report may be comprehensive, but is badly written. So it is not comprehensible. The word ‘comprehensible’ is generally used in writing. It is not used in ordinary conversation.”

Difference between ‘antique’ and ‘ancient’?
“Both mean ‘very old’.
‘Ancient’ is generally used of old things, periods and civilizations.
Ours is an ancient civilization.
He is specializing in ancient history.
The Government is interested in the preservation of ancient monuments.
When a man is very, very old, you may say jocularly that he is an ancient. 
An antique is valued for being old and rare. You must have seen antique furniture and antique clocks.
Ram is a dealer in antique furniture.
Have you ever been to an antique shop?”

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