Difference between elderly, aged and old

A person is aged when he is very old. ‘Aged’ carries connotations of weakness. An 'elderly' person is one who is no longer young. He is past the prime of life and is on his way to becoming ‘old’, but not yet old. ‘Elderly’ is used only of persons and not things.
He is an elderly person.
‘Aged’ can be used of persons and things.
He is an aged man.
It is an aged elephant.
It is an aged banyan tree.
You have generally respect for the elderly and the aged.
‘Old’ has both positive and negative connotations. It depends on the context.

He was born old.
He is an old fool.
He is a venerable old man.

An aged man is older than an old man. An elderly person is younger than an old person.”

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