Difference between Lodging and Boarding
The terms "boarding" and "lodging" both refer to accommodations provided for individuals, but they have distinct differences in their meanings and usage.

"Boarding" typically refers to a situation where accommodations are provided along with meals. It often implies a longer-term arrangement where individuals reside in a place and are offered meals as part of the package. Boarding can be found in various settings such as boarding schools, where students live on campus and have their meals provided, or boarding houses, where individuals rent rooms and are offered communal dining options.

On the other hand, "lodging" generally refers to providing accommodations without necessarily including meals. It usually implies a shorter-term arrangement where individuals stay temporarily. Lodging can be found in hotels, motels, guesthouses, or even rented rooms or apartments.

The main distinction lies in the inclusion of meals. Boarding emphasizes the provision of both accommodation and meals as a combined package, while lodging focuses solely on providing a place to stay without necessarily including meals.

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