Difference between Met and Visited
"Met" and "visited" are distinct verbs that relate to encounters with people or places.

"Met" refers to the act of coming into contact or interacting with a person for the first time, often involving conversation or social interaction.
For example:
"I met Sarah at the conference yesterday, and we had a great conversation about our shared interests."

On the other hand, "visited" pertains to going to a place, such as a location or destination, and spending some time there. It implies a physical presence in that location without necessarily involving interpersonal interactions.
For instance:
"I visited Paris last summer and explored iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum."

In summary, "met" focuses on encountering individuals and engaging in social interactions, while "visited" centers around going to places and spending time there. The distinction lies in the nature of the engagement, whether it's with people or with locations.

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(©) Rohan Sukne