Difference between Search, Scrutiny and Investigation
"Search," "scrutiny," and "investigation" are distinct terms used to describe different aspects of examining or exploring a subject, each with its own nuances and purposes.

: Search refers to the act of looking for something specific or conducting a systematic exploration to find information, objects, or individuals. It involves seeking and locating relevant data or resources.
For example:
Using a search engine like Google to find information on a particular topic.
Searching for a lost item in your house.
Conducting a search of a library database to find relevant books or articles.

Scrutiny: Scrutiny entails a close and critical examination of something, often with the intent of evaluating its details, accuracy, or authenticity. It involves a thorough inspection and analysis of the subject matter.
Scrutinizing a research paper to identify any errors or inconsistencies.
Carefully examining a piece of art to analyze its technique and symbolism.
Reviewing financial statements to assess the financial health of a company.

Investigation: Investigation involves a systematic and formal inquiry into a matter, typically to uncover facts, gather evidence, or solve a problem. It is often conducted with a specific objective, such as determining the cause of an incident or identifying potential wrongdoing.
Criminal investigation: Detectives gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses to solve a crime.
Scientific investigation: Researchers conducting experiments and collecting data to test a hypothesis.
Corporate investigation: Investigating allegations of misconduct or fraud within a company.

In summary, search focuses on locating information or objects, scrutiny involves a meticulous examination of details, and investigation is a formal process of inquiry to uncover facts or solve problems. While search and scrutiny are broader in scope, investigation is a more structured and purposeful endeavor that often includes elements of both search and scrutiny.

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