Difference between Sympathy and Empathy
Sympathy and empathy are two distinct emotional responses, often confused due to their similarities, but they differ in their nature and level of emotional involvement.

Sympathy refers to the feeling of pity or sorrow one experiences for someone else's misfortune without necessarily sharing their emotions. It is a more distant, compassionate response.
For example, if a friend is going through a tough time after losing a job, you may feel sympathy by expressing condolences and offering support without truly understanding their feelings.

Empathy, on the other hand, involves the ability to understand and share the emotions of another person. It requires a deeper emotional connection and a willingness to step into their shoes.
For instance, if your friend is going through the same job loss, empathy would involve not only offering support but also genuinely feeling their anxiety, frustration, and sadness as if it were your own.

In summary, sympathy is a compassionate response that acknowledges another's suffering without necessarily sharing their emotions, while empathy involves a deeper emotional connection and the capacity to genuinely understand and share in someone else's feelings. Empathy is often considered a more profound and meaningful form of emotional support.

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