Meaning of Fat Chance, Use of word Bandwidth

The word ‘bandwidth’ is used in everyday contexts to mean different things. When I say that I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with Ravi’s problems, it means that I don’t have the time or the energy to deal with Ravi and his innumerable problems.
Here’s an example.
"After a five kilometre walk, I didn’t have the bandwidth to play tennis with my friends." Meaning, you didn’t have the energy to play tennis.
If you want us to help you with the campaign, please get back to us after two months. Right now, we don’t have the bandwidth to take on any new project. “Meaning that you don’t have the time. The word can also be used to refer to someone’s mental capacity.”
“In other words, his ability to do something. His intelligence.”
Meaning of  "Fat chance of that happening!”
"The expression ‘fat chance’ is mostly used in informal contexts to mean ‘little or no chance’.”

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