Meaning of run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
People frequently turn to a third person and ask him to act as a judge when two people are arguing. The person will eventually claim that both sides are correct if he or she is hesitant and reluctant to make a choice.
Because he doesn't want to offend his friends, he will often support all sides of the debate. Occasionally, he does this with a hidden agenda. We use the phrase "running with the hare and hunting with the hounds" to describe the desire to be on good terms with both opposing fighting factions by supporting their claims.
The person is attempting to be both the dog and the rabbit (hare) (hound). He wants to be both the hunter and the hunted, which is just impossible. This idiom is viewed to be rather old.
Rajiv is a very clever person. He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds.

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