What is the difference between How are you and How do you do
The phrase "How do you do?" is typically used in British English when meeting someone for the first time. 'How are you?' is the typical response to this greeting, which is used to greet someone. Normally, you would only say this to someone once. You can ask him 'how are you' when you next see him. When speaking to someone you already know, this term is used. In contrast to "How do you do," "How are you" asks how the person is doing emotionally and physically. `How do you do?' does not give the same meaning.

Did you know that "hi" is simply a shortened version of "how are you"? How are you? sounds like "hiya" when spoken quickly. People started saying "hiya" instead of "how are you" as a result. Hiya was eventually shortened to "hi" in speech. As a result, when you greet someone and ask 'Hi, how are you’, you are actually asking, "How are you?" two times.

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